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Director Format Languagesort descending Rating
Spartacus Stanley Kubrick dvd, blu-ray English ***
The Nightmare Before Christmas Henri Selick dvd English
Bitter Moon Roman Polanski dvd English *
Fiona Amos Kollek dvd English
Clockwork Orange Stanley Kubrick dvd, blu-ray English ****
The Cook, The Thief, His Wife and Her Lover Peter Greenaway dvd English ****
Of Mice and Men Gary Sinise dvd English
Full Metal Jacket Stanley Kubrick dvd, blu-ray English ****
Brazil Terry Gilliam dvd English ****
Kill Bill 1+2 Quentin Tarantino dvd English
Eyes Wide Shut Stanley Kubrick dvd, blu-ray English ****
Mother Darren Aronofsky blu-ray English ***
God Bless America Bobcat Goldthwait blu-ray English **
Dr. Strangelove Stanley Kubrick dvd, blu-ray English ***
Ex_Machina Alex Garland blu-ray English ***
Bad Lieutenant Werner Herzog blu-ray English
Hard Candy David Slade dvd English **
The Danish Girl Tom Hooper blu-ray English ***
A Walk in the Woods Ken Kwapis dvd English **
The Constant Gardener Fernando Meirelles dvd English ***
The Big Short Adam McKay blu-ray English ***
Malcolm X Spike Lee dvd English
Lolita Stanley Kubrick blu-ray English
2001, A Space Oddyssey Stanley Kubrick blu-ray English
Play Time Jacques Tati dvd French
Le Silence de Lorna Jean-Pierre & Luc Dardenne dvd French
Romance X Catherine Breillat dvd French **
C'est arrivé près de chez vous Rémy Belvaux dvd French
Gouttes d'Eau sur Pierres Brulantes François Ozon dvd French
Le Temps Qui Reste François Ozon dvd French
